Saturday, September 15, 2007
Top Merchants NOW Included!!!
Did you get that? He´s going to tell us EXACTLY which programs made him money in 2006 and what merchants he has worked with.
This leads me to speculate that Jeremy may be leaving the affiliate business after the launch of this program or at least moving on to new pastures - why else would he give it all away?
Any how more news as I receive it! Keep posted
Friday, September 14, 2007
PPC ClassRoom - In house tracking system
I just receive a email from Jeremy to his handbook Affiliate Menbers explaning more about the tracking system included in the PPC Classroom Launch.
In addition to producing a specific "A to Z" course AND giving away all of the top offers He promotes - Jeremy is taking it yet ANOTHER step. He has developed his own "PPC tool" that he uses to automate and drastically increase the performance of his PPC campaigns.
He ended up giving Anik a sneak peak and the Affiliate Classroom CEO litterally flipped when he saw how powerful the PPC backen Tool really was!
Some of the key features include:
1. Created UNIQUE tracking URLs automatically that let you track the performance of each keyword separately.
2. Tracking all PPC costs & ROI in ONE simple report.
3. Managing ALL campaigns (Google, MSN AND Yahoo) from one simple system
4. And equlally important, having it hosted it on your OWN system so all of your data is secure from peeping Spyware.
Jeremy is including the PPC tracking tool in the PPCClassroom Package so you can benefit from the same system he uses to manage my own campaigns and make over $1.4 million in affiliate income the last year.
"Again, I hate to sound repetitive, but my goal is to give you EVERYTHING I use. There really will be nothing held back, all the tools, tricks, techniques and even the offers that I promote... It will be a long time before I'll be able to release another course because I'm giving away the farm with this product release... I will literally have nothing else to say (at least for a long while)."
Who wants a Free Copy of PPCClassroom?
A short video from you that explains why we should give the course and ALL it’s bonuses to you and exactly how you would use it in your business.
1. Make sure to put PPCClassroom in the title when you submit it (in the video we accidentally say “PPCCclassroom” (there’s and extra c)…
2. Make sure you include your name CLEARLY either in the video or at least in the description/title when you submit it.
3. Submit your video ONLY to YouTube or Google Video.
4. Send an e-mail with your NAME, Email and LINK to the uploaded video to ppcvideo AT DO NOT SEND US THE VIDEO, please upload it either one of the above services first and send us only link to the video.
The due date for all videos before we make our final selection is September 18, 12 PM ET. Any questions on this can be submitted to our support desk (please do not mail questions to the above e-mail - that is only for collecting submissions).
Get that Free copy of PPC Classroom winging its way you you home address now!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Is PPCClassroom the Ultimate Landing Page Solution?
Bluff - NO!
I´m going to be first in line when they have the release at 4pm on the 25th September. I have no idea what the price structure of this system will be but the guy makes a cool $1.4 Million a year from just promoting affiliate offers so I can´t imagine it being cheap or for Everyone!. And like I said before the Affiliate Handbook he put out a year ago was the single largest contributing factor that helped me build my affiliate business to its current level.
Whats really got me hooked?
I think the Backend tracking system will be the real gem - being able to track from google through to the merchant on Keyword level is the only serious way to do PPC these days. Jeremy Palmer is at the top of his game and now he´s going to pass on his secrets. I honestly don´t get what drives these Super Affiliates to "Spill the Beans" but I guess they feel they have a comfortable position already and can pass on some good karma!
Jeremy´s system promises to do the following.
- Tracking on Keyword Level
- Tracking Source - YSM! , Google, MSN etc
- Detailed Statistics Over ROI conversion PER KEYWORD
- Landing pages on the fly!
On top of this we will get a full list of his merchants and how he approaches them markets them , research Keywords the works.
Anyways, Anik Singal from Affiliate Classroom has put together a compelling video for you to watch where they reveal A LOT about what this Palmer the super affiliate does and exactly how he uses pay per click...
$1 Million Affiliate..Reveals All - Who´s In?
It all just too much - I know I have had my fill of big promises however sometimes something genuine shows up and it usually good practise to first look at the track record of who´s promoting,
I´ve heard about a coming release that I am actually really excited about. Jeremy Palmer also know from Quite Your Day Job is on Sept 25th revealing all his secrets in a package with his proprietry "in-house" tracking system that has netted him a cool $1.4 Million in Affiliate Commisions in the last year!
Jeremy put out a manefesto a year ago for affiliates call "High Performance Affiliate Marketing" I got it on its release day and joined Jeremy´s Members forum at the same time . The amount of tips and information from the Handbook and the forums have been invalueble to my business model as a PPC affiliate and I have full faith in his products because of this!
The pre-launch is under way and you can read more here PPCClassRoom