Thursday, September 13, 2007

$1 Million Affiliate..Reveals All - Who´s In?

Every day we hear many success stories of people making 6-figures incomes on the internet, and sometimes we even hear about people making multiple 7 figures! I get more and more sceptical to the offers which inevitably just end up promoting yet another "Make a Million e-book - while you sit on the crapper!"

It all just too much - I know I have had my fill of big promises however sometimes something genuine shows up and it usually good practise to first look at the track record of who´s promoting,

I´ve heard about a coming release that I am actually really excited about. Jeremy Palmer also know from Quite Your Day Job
is on Sept 25th revealing all his secrets in a package with his proprietry "in-house" tracking system that has netted him a cool $1.4 Million in Affiliate Commisions in the last year!

Jeremy put out a manefesto a year ago for affiliates call "High Performance Affiliate Marketing" I got it on its release day and joined Jeremy´s Members forum at the same time . The amount of tips and information from the Handbook and the forums have been invalueble to my business model as a PPC affiliate and I have full faith in his products because of this!

The pre-launch is under way and you can read more here PPCClassRoom

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