Thursday, September 13, 2007

Is PPCClassroom the Ultimate Landing Page Solution?

Before you start reading this I have to tell you I´m biased partly because I´ve used Jeremy Palmers and Anik Singals products before - and I´m an affiliate that knows bullshit from the truth!

Bluff - NO!
I´m going to be first in line when they have the release at 4pm on the 25th September. I have no idea what the price structure of this system will be but the guy makes a cool $1.4 Million a year from just promoting affiliate offers so I can´t imagine it being cheap or for Everyone!. And like I said before the Affiliate Handbook he put out a year ago was the single largest contributing factor that helped me build my affiliate business to its current level.

Whats really got me hooked?
I think the Backend tracking system will be the real gem - being able to track from google through to the merchant on Keyword level is the only serious way to do PPC these days. Jeremy Palmer is at the top of his game and now he´s going to pass on his secrets. I honestly don´t get what drives these Super Affiliates to "Spill the Beans" but I guess they feel they have a comfortable position already and can pass on some good karma!

Jeremy´s system promises to do the following.

- Tracking on Keyword Level
- Tracking Source - YSM! , Google, MSN etc
- Detailed Statistics Over ROI conversion PER KEYWORD
- Landing pages on the fly!

On top of this we will get a full list of his merchants and how he approaches them markets them , research Keywords the works.

Anyways, Anik Singal from Affiliate Classroom has put together a compelling video for you to watch where they reveal A LOT about what this Palmer the super affiliate does and exactly how he uses pay per click...

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